Learning from Luke’s Liberating King
Mon, Mar 10
|Zoom Events
Journey with Dr. Andy Johnson through Luke's telling of the Liberating King, Jesus!

Time & Location
Mar 10, 2025, 7:00 PM CDT – Mar 31, 2025, 8:00 PM CDT
Zoom Events
About The EVENT
Join Dr. Andy Johnson, the New Testament professor at Nazarene Theological Seminary, for an engaging webinar series exploring how Luke tells the story of Jesus, the Liberating King. In this four-part exploration, we will learn from Jesus by delving into the language, background, and theological significance of key passages that begin in the wilderness and wind up in Jerusalem. Through our dialogue, we will grow together in our preaching and our liberating practices.
Weekly Session Outline:
3/10 Luke 4:1-13 with a glance back at 3:21-38: In session 1, we learn from the Liberating King what it means to be truly human.
3/17 Luke 4:14-30: In session 2, we learn from the Liberating King what his mission is and who’s in and who’s out of the Kingdom he brings.
3/24 Luke 19:1-27: In this session, the Liberating King teaches us what repentance is and what God is not.
3/31 Luke 19:28-40: In this last session, we learn how the Liberating King triumphs and about the things that make for peace.
Dr. Andy Johnson is the Willard H. Taylor – Roger L. Hahn Chair in Biblical Theology at Nazarene Theological Seminary. He taught for eight years in Nazarene undergraduate institutions (ENC and TNU) before coming to NTS where he's taught since 2002. He teaches because God placed a clear call on his life to do so while he was in seminary in the late 1980s and has confirmed that call in numerous ways throughout his years of teaching. There’s nothing he’d rather do than explore Scripture with curious students who are willing to learn (well, almost nothing…see below). By far his favorite mode of teaching is face-to-face interaction with students. His typical classes are best described as interactive lectures with a good bit of Q & A and discussion. He has been married to the love of his life, Gina, since 1984 and has two sons, Zac and Ben. He's also an avid Kansas City Royals, Kansas City Chiefs, and Kansas Jayhawks (basketball not football!!!) fan and was a youth baseball and basketball coach of his sons’ teams for many years before they went off to college. The happiest time of his year used to be when he was standing in the third base coaching box giving signs to his kids at the plate, and he's fully convinced that baseball will be a part of God's new creation! He also loves to fish—particularly in the mountains—and if you can work it out, he'd be happy to come teach at your church in exchange for a day or two of good fishing!