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A subscription to Praxis at NTS is $10/month or $99/year, and it comes with the following benefits:

Praxis Video Library

Praxis captures, creates, and curates videos of conferences, interviews, and presentations on a wide variety of topics for your continued growth and development. A Praxis subscription gives you access to over 1,000 videos.


To browse our video library, click here.

Microsoft Office 365

Included in your subscription to Praxis is free access to Office 365 (a $99 value). Office products can be downloaded on up to five computers.


To request a Microsoft Office 365 account, click here.

NTS' William Broadhurst Library

Praxis subscribers also receive access to all online resources of NTS's William Broadhurst Library.


For details on the library and to request access, click here.

Events & Webinars

Praxis hosts and sponsors events that serve pastors and lay leaders in the church. Events include the annual Preachers' Conference and six-week webinars on pressing topics. Praxis subscribers occasionally receive discounts or special offers for these events.


To check out what events we are offering, click here.


To subscribe to our Praxis mailing list to stay up to date, click here.

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